Radio Pulpit Word for Today / Woord vir Vandag

Word for Today / Woord vir Vandag

One of the main challenges today is to stay rooted in Christ, while time speeds by. How do we stay focused on His will for our lives while we live through the joys and sorrows of life? By focusing on His Word! Times may have changed but God’s Word stays the same. The Word for Today devotionals daily provide a 'lamp for your feet and a light on your path'.

The Word for Today daily devotional messages are designed to encourage you with the Word of God. Short, inspirational daily messages focus your attention on Him and provide you with Biblical spiritual support when you need it most.
Occasionally English South Africa Christianity
62 Episodes
60 – 62

Woord vir Vandag_25 Oktober 2024

Een van die grootste uitdagings deesdae is om gewortel te bly in Christus, terwyl die tyd verby spoed. Hoe bly ons gefokus op Sy wil vir ons lewens terwyl ons deur die vreugdes en hartseer van die lewe leef? Deur op Sy Woord te fokus! Tye het dalk verander maar…
25 Sep 2 min

Woord vir Vandag_15 Oktober 2024

Een van die grootste uitdagings deesdae is om gewortel te bly in Christus, terwyl die tyd verby spoed. Hoe bly ons gefokus op Sy wil vir ons lewens terwyl ons deur die vreugdes en hartseer van die lewe leef? Deur op Sy Woord te fokus! Tye het dalk verander maar…
13 Sep 2 min
60 – 62