Radio Pulpit

Radio Pulpit

Radio Pulpit is an established, reliable, relevant media voice and preferred Christian radio station and media partner in South Africa and beyond. With more than four decades of broadcasting experience, this trusted brand is a welcome voice in households and businesses across the country.
South Africa
69 Podcast shows
1 – 20

I Am Youth

I AM Youth is the go-to platform for today’s young adults. Our content centres around our slogan of Life. Explained. Our primary goal is to infiltrate the spaces young people occupy to help them overcome the challenges they face.
29 Nov 608 episodes English Christianity · Society & Culture

The Ultimate Lifestyle Guide

With The Ultimate Lifestyle Guide, Radio Pulpit wants to entertain as well as inform and inspire listeners towards a balanced lifestyle. Your presenter is Bonolo Nkosi, a seasoned presenter with experience in television production. She wants to remind you that whether you are going to a concert, cleaning your house,…
13 Dec 67 episodes English Christianity · Self-Improvement

Naweek Aktueel

Naweek Aktueel is ‘n program op Radiokansel wat luisteraars toerus om hul reis saam met Christus te verstaan.
21 Dec 183 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Christianity

Verstaan jy wat jy lees?

Verstaan jy wat jy lees help jou om die Bybel in konteks te verstaan. Herders van verskillende kerke en denominasies, geleerdes van die Woord en teoloë help deur hulle kennis van die Woord te deel.
20 Dec 90 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity


Ontdek weer die heerlikheid van die evangelie. Die fokus is om ‘n meer diepgaande passie vir die Woord van God onder gelowiges te laat opvlam.
19 Dec 142 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Vreugde & Joy

Take a journey to find joy in everyday situations. In the programme Vreugde & Joy, Bertha Le Roux-Wahl enthusiastically facilitates her guests’ testimonies.
19 Dec 126 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Self-Improvement

Daybreak | Dagbreek

Begin jou dag met inspirerende potgooie gedurende Dagbreek met Johann Els op Radiokansel. Kick-start your morning with a word from God with Wynand Rossouw.
18 Dec 733 episodes English Christianity · Christianity


Listeners can expect a fresh Word from God early in the morning every weekday. Pastors from different denominations join us to teach the Word of God.
13 Dec 9AM 745 episodes Sotho Christianity · Christianity


Kry 'n Goddelike perspektief oor wêreldse kwessies. Perspektief is ‘n aktualiteits program op Radiokansel 657AM, dit neem besprekingspunte verder deur daarna te kyk deur die lens van die Skrif.
18 Dec 178 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · News


Het jy vrae oor die lewe, God, of die Bybel? Indien wel, is Skriftuurlik met Wynand & Pastoor Rocky op Radiokansel die platform om dit te vra. Luisteraars stuur vrae direk na die ateljee via WhatsApp. Aanbieders Wynand Rossouw en Pastoor Rocky Stevenson poog dan om hierdie vrae te beantwoord…
17 Dec 182 episodes English Christianity · Christianity

Word for Today / Woord vir Vandag

One of the main challenges today is to stay rooted in Christ, while time speeds by. How do we stay focused on His will for our lives while we live through the joys and sorrows of life? By focusing on His Word! Times may have changed but God’s Word stays…
7 Jan 2025 201 episodes English Christianity

Let’s Talk

Let's Talk is a daily radio program hosted by Rocky Stevenson, pastor of Benoni Bible Church. It covers various engaging topics with a unique focus each day. Memorable Mondays explore significant church history, while Theology Tuesdays cover key theological themes. Wisdom Wednesdays showcase wisdom literature in the Bible. Technical Thursdays…
10 Jan 2025 1AM 528 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity


Pastors deliver sermons and teachings centered on the Word of God, addressing pertinent, everyday challenges to inspire and fortify Christians in their journey to overcome. The topics encompass spirituality as well as practical life challenges and sustenance. Our outreach extends to individuals of all demographics, including youth, men, women, married…
17 Dec 36 episodes Setswana Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Met Hart en Siel

Vier mekaar se kreatiwiteit en uniekheid en kies om lief te hê. Die program is vir vroue (en mans) van geloof wat die pragtige en goeie uit die Vader se hand geniet. Jou aanbieder is die talentvolle Christine Ferreira, redakteur van die Christelike vrouetydskrif, Lééf.
17 Dec 179 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Self-Improvement

Inspirasie met Alta Strauss

Alta Strauss, 'n motiveringspreker, skrywer en sanger, glo dat die lewe bedoel is om ten volle geleef te word en dat God ons geskape het om te floreer, nie net om te oorleef nie. Maar hoe maak ons dit 'n werklikheid? Watter stappe moet ons neem om voluit te leef,…
16 Dec 10 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Christianity

Plus 50 Kuiertyd

Plus50 Kuiertyd in samewerking met Radiokansel gee ons die geleentheid om direk met ons senior mense informeel te kan kuier! Deur insiggewende en stimulerende inligting aan seniors te bied, help ons om nuuskierigheid en positiwiteit te bevorder. Ons voer informele kuier-gesprekke met kenners in verskeie vakgebiede en stokperdjies. Ons doelwit…
16 Dec 28 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Christianity

Verhoudingsdinge met Deon en Karin

Deon en Karin du Toit staan aan die hoof van Huweliksfokus, ‘n interkerklike bediening met die visie om huwelike te belyn met God se plan. Hulle passie en oortuiging is dat elke huwelik gered kan word en dat elke gesin gesonde, gelukkige verhoudings kan hê. Huweliksfokus bied 'n diepgaande ondersoek…
16 Dec 25 episodes English Christianity · Kids & Family

Vier Die Lewe

Vier Die Lewe is ‘n leefstylprogram op Radiokansel 657AM oor die Goeie Nuus van God se verlossing. Dit is ‘n inspuiting van hoop en vreugde vir die wat moeg en vol wanhoop is.
15 Dec 144 episodes Afrikaans Self-Improvement · Christianity


Tydens Mannestories gesels Müller Crauwcamp elke week met manne wat hulle lewensverhale en getuienisse deel oor hoe die Here in hulle lewens werk. Hierdie program sal jou bemoedig met weeklikse stories oor God se goedheid.
15 Dec 112 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Personal Journals

Heart and Soul

Listeners tune in for Heart and Soul to receive encouragement and to be with a companion that brings them a message of hope. Whether the presenter himself shares, or a guest joins in on the conversation, you will always find a good dose of encouragement, revelation and Truth.
13 Dec 4AM 579 episodes English Christianity · Christianity
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