Cape Pulpit 729AM Get Up & Go Breakfast - Awareness Health - Dr Wendy Christien

Get Up & Go Breakfast - Awareness Health - Dr Wendy Christien

Wendy is a wellness practitioner and an health coach at Intergrated Health Solutions and she helps us ensure we manage our bodies well, to get the best out of them.
Weekly English South Africa Health & Fitness · Christianity
185 Episodes
32 – 52

Wendy Christien - Types of Fat

Over the past few decades, we have been led to believe that fats are our enemy and that we should avoid them at all costs, but fats are not something we should be avoiding. Healthy fats should be included in our diets as part of a balanced diet.
10 Aug 2023 13 min

Wendy Christien - Oils Part 2

There are a variety of oils available. Some are good for cooking, and some are good to use as salad dressings. Either way, healthy oils have several benefits and should be included as part of a balanced diet. It is, however, important for us to know whether an oil is…
3 Aug 2023 10 min

Wendy Christien - Oils

There are a variety of oils available. Some are good for cooking, and some are good to use as salad dressings. Either way, healthy oils have several benefits and should be included as part of a balanced diet. It is, however, important for us to know whether an oil is…
27 Jul 2023 10 min

Wendy Christien - Body Odour

Body odour happens when our sweat mixes with the bacteria on our skin. The sweat itself doesn’t have a smell, but when it mixes with the bacteria it can cause an odour and sometimes this is not very pleasant! Body odour can smell different and can vary from person to…
20 Jul 2023 11 min

Wendy Christien - Headaches

Headaches commonly affect many people. They can be described as pressure or a throbbing pain in the head or across the forehead and they can vary in intensity and severity depending on the type of headache. Headaches can also be experienced in different places like behind the eyes, in the…
13 Jul 2023 12 min

Wendy Christien - Bladder Health

The bladder is a hollow organ that is about the size of a grapefruit and its main purpose is to store urine that has been processed by the kidneys. The bladder expands as it fills and can hold up to two cups of urine, but most people start to feel…
6 Jul 2023 10 min

Wendy Christien - Hemochromatosis

It is possible for some people to have too much iron in their bodies. Iron levels can be raised due to the destruction of red blood cells in the body, or due to excessive supplementation or consumption of iron-rich foods. Hemochromatosis, however, is a hereditary genetic condition.
29 Jun 2023 10 min

Wendy Christien - Blood

Blood is a specialized body fluid that is essential to life. The four main components of blood are red blood cells, plasma, white blood cells, and platelets. Keeping our blood healthy ensures that our organs and tissues can function optimally. For this reason, it is important that we provide our…
22 Jun 2023 12 min

Wendy Christien - Brain Health

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Changes to our bodies and brains are normal as we age, but certain behaviours and lifestyle choices can speed up cognitive decline or cause our brains to age faster than they should. Everyone gets forgetful, but there are some warning signs that we should…
15 Jun 2023 11 min

Wendy Christien - Habits to Beat the Winter Blues

As winter sets in and the days start to get colder, we naturally spend more time indoors. In a bid to stay warm, we can slow down on our usual summer activities and we can be less active than is ideal. With less physical activity, our moods can also take…
8 Jun 2023 12 min

Wendy Christien - Prebiotics

Prebiotics are an indigestible dietary fiber that encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Because they are not digestible, they travel to the lower parts of the intestines where they become a food source for our friendly gut bacteria. Wendy tells us how to know if you lack…
1 Jun 2023 12 min

Wendy Christien - Immune Support

The average person can have two to three colds a year, with a recovery time of about 10 days. This allows the immune system to make antibodies which in turn strengthen our immune function. If you get sick more often and don’t seem to recover well then you may need…
18 May 2023 12 min

Wendy Christien - Chronological vs biological age Part 2

Studies have been done on communities living in 5 different areas in the world known as the “Blue Zones” which show that lifestyle factors are key to longevity. People living in the Blue Zones often live to 100 years old or more. What do these people seem to have in…
11 May 2023 11 min

Wendy Christien - Chronological vs biological age Part 1

Our chronological age refers to our actual age whereas our biological age is dependent on the health of our cells and our DNA. We can do little about our chronological age, but we can do a lot to influence our biological age – both for and against it. Our chronological…
4 May 2023 11 min

Wendy Christien – Am I Healthy? - Part 3

This is quite an elusive and subjective question, but one that should be asked. We should all do a regular health assessment to check and see if we are on track. In part 3, Wendy speaks about: What is your fitness level? How do you feel on an emotional level?…
27 Apr 2023 11 min

Wendy Christien – Am I Healthy? - Part 2

This is quite an elusive and subjective question, but one that should be asked. We should all do a regular health assessment to check and see if we are on track. In part 2, Wendy speaks about: How do you feel when you eat certain foods? How much energy do…
20 Apr 2023 9 min

Wendy Christien – Am I Healthy?

This is quite an elusive and subjective question, but one that should be asked. We should all do a regular health assessment to check and see if we are on track. This can be done in the traditional way by seeing your doctor for some blood tests, which is a…
13 Apr 2023 10 min

Wendy Christien – Fats vs Carbs

We have been led to believe over the past few decades that that fat is our enemy and that we should avoid it at all costs, but fats are not something we should be avoiding. They should form part of a healthy, balanced diet.
6 Apr 2023 11 min

Wendy Christien – Heavy Metals

Heavy metal exposure has increased due to industrial and anthropogenic activities as well as modern industrialization. Heavy metals can be related to several acute and chronic toxic effects in different organs of the body. Gastrointestinal and kidney dysfunction, vascular damage, birth defects, disorders of the immune system, skin lesions, and…
16 Mar 2023 11 min

Wendy Christien – Sleep and Hormonal Balance

Many perimenopausal and menopausal women struggle with sleep issues. This can include the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep or a combination of both. Many women would not have sleep disturbances if it weren’t for night sweats and hot flashes. For others, anxiety prevents them from falling asleep and from…
9 Mar 2023 10 min
32 – 52