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Radio Cape Pulpit

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Mission Radio Cape Pulpit is an independent, trans-cultural and trans-denominational media organisation. Our divine assignment is to proclaim the Gospel message through the production and broadcasting of radio programmes, supported by other electronic media, publications and community initiatives. Our focus is to be a companion to believers in their journey of faith and win unbelievers for Christ. We participate in radio missionary activities by facilitating and establishing Christian radio ministries in Africa and provide training and development opportunities for Christian broadcasters.

Recent podcast episodes

MARRIAGE HOUR met KOBUS PAUW - Bou Sterk Huwelike Deur Vriendskap

Die bou van blywende en betekenisvolle verhoudings. Saam met spesiale gas Kaier bespreek hulle hoe sterk huwelike gebou word op die fondament van vriendskap, vertroue en effektiewe kommunikasie. Leer hoekom dit belangrik is om eers vriende te wees vir 'n suksesvolle verhouding, hoe om konflik te oorkom, en waarom dit…
7 Feb 21 min

SALT AND LIGHT - Breaking Free from Offense: Destiny Destroyers and Blessing Blockers

Brian and Delia dive deep into the topic of offense and unforgiveness, exploring how these emotions can become destiny destroyers and blessing blockers. Learn how unresolved offenses can harm your relationships, health, and spiritual walk, and discover the transformative power of choosing forgiveness. Tune in for practical insights on healing,…
1 Feb 42 min

SALT AND LIGHT - Heart Issues: Overcoming Offense and Embracing Transformation

Pastors Delia and Brian Preston dive deep into the issues of the heart, exploring how offense and unresolved emotions can hinder spiritual growth and the blessings God has for us. Join them as they share insightful biblical teachings on the deceitfulness of the heart and the importance of self-examination, transparency,…
25 Jan 44 min

SALT AND LIGHT - How to Position Yourself for Breakthrough in 2025

Brian and Delia Preston share transformative insights on how to position yourself for success in 2025 by prioritizing time with God and embracing His vision for your life. Discover how overcoming procrastination, meditating on God's Word, and eliminating excuses can lead to breakthrough, purpose, and fulfillment. Tune in to hear…
18 Jan 45 min