Word for Today - 22 March 2025

“The Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” Mark 16:20 KJV
Signs follow faith
The book of Mark concludes this way: “They went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” Understanding the will of God is not a precise science, and the most spiritually mature among us can get it wrong. But this much you can count on: God will use a combination of the Spirit and Scripture to guide you. As you open His Word and open your heart, God will speak to you. Then you have to act on it. The way to get spiritual momentum is by praying, and then making a decision. And the harder the decision, the more momentum it can produce. The main reason most of us don’t notice God moving is because we aren’t moving. If you would like to see God move, you need to make a move! Near the end of her ministry, Mother Teresa was frequently asked by her admirers how they could make a difference with their lives the way she had with hers. She often replied with only four words: “Find your own Calcutta.” That doesn’t mean God’s will for you is to be a missionary in a foreign land. It could be; the greater likelihood is that God is calling you to take action where you live and where you work. Before God asks you to do greater things, He will ask you to use what you have, do what you can, and serve where you are. So, what little things do you need to do now that will make you ready for the big things God wants down the road?
21 Mar English South Africa Christianity

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