Episode 89 Shoulder Girdle and Shoulder Joint and applying these movements to daily activities. Exercises: 1. Seated Chicken Wings 2. Forward Arm Raise and lower which is flexion and extension of the Shoulder joint. 3. Standing: Reaching Forward to take something off a shelf at chest level and placing it…
Episode 88 Theme: Shoulder Girdle into Shoulder Joint. Notes for Episode 88 Please listen to the Audio explaining that using the Shoulder Girdle correctly ensures CORRECT 👍 Shoulder joint MOVEMENTS to AVOID migraines, headaches and pains in your arms and movements. The only exercise being done today is a variation…
Episode 82 Exercises: 1. Rotations 2. Log Roll to sitting to standing. 3. Bend knees, slide right leg to the side, stand up straight on right leg lifting left leg up and hold for 1,2,3,4. 4. Repeat left 5. Repeat above but count as below Bend left knee on 1…
Episode 81 Exercises: 1. Breathing with Shoulder drops 2. Knee openings and leg slides 3. Log Roll to sitting to standing 4. Same leg movements we have been doing but now lifting each leg to balance on the other leg. Please Note: There will be no exercises given for the…
Episode 80 Apologies that I named yesterday 78 when it should have been 79. Lying in your back with legs apart. Exercises: 1. Hip Hikes 2. Zig Zag with hip joints. 3. Log Roll to sitting to standing. 4. Same as yesterday but adding arms as we did on Monday…
Episode 78 Exercises: 1. Lying on your back: Ankle exercises 2. Hip Flexor and Hamstring Stretch 3. Same as exercise 2 yesterday. Please Note: There will be no exercises given for the last week of June.
Episode 78 Theme : this week is moving and balance once we have warmed up. Exercise 1: Seated : Breathing with arm circles We are now going to learn to transfer weight from one leg to the other with bent knees. In this exercise you are using hip, knee and…
Theme for the week. For cold weather: mobilise , stretch and coordinate Lying on your back with legs stretched out. Ex: 1: breathing with shoulder drops Ex:2: Bend right knee to right shoulder Stretch to ceiling, bend knee and lower repeat Left leg. Ex :3: open legs wide and hip…
Episode 69 Exercises: 1. Breathing with Shoulder Drops 2. Hip Hikes with ankle exercises 3. Side Roll to sitting to standing. 4. Step together step tap forward tap side tap routine.
Episode 68 Theme: Winter nights are approaching and so warmups first thing in the morning in or on a WARM BED!!! Yes a Warm bed to ensure you REDUCE the risk of injury!! Theme: Mobilise, stretch and repetitive coordination to keep your brain in action! Exercises: 1. Ankle exercises 2…
Episode 67 Theme: Revise and Consolidate 1. Body Rotations as we did on Wednesday 2. Log roll to sitting for Hamstrings and inner thigh stretch with 1 leg out to the side. Repeat other leg. 3. Step together step tap 4. Repeat to the left. 5. Then, Step together step…
Episode 66 Theme: Revise and consolidate 1. Hip Flexor stretch right leg and hamstring stretch left leg together!! Repeat other side. 2. Piriformis stretch 3. Step together of yesterday’s routine
Episode 65 Theme: Revise and consolidate 1. Body Rotations 2. Seated Side Bends 3. Step tap step knee lift point right forward and lift forward and lift
Episode 58 Theme this week: Consolidation of Basic stability techniques which is an activation of the Pelvic Floor, abdominal muscles and shoulders down on an exhale. But this week learning to keep them activated on the inhale as well!! Learning coordination. 1. Breathing with Full body stretch 2. Leeg Roll…
Episode 56 Stretching and Flowing your movements. Exercises 1. Breathing with hip flexor stretch and Hamstring Stretch 2. Log Rolling to sitting and Side Stretching 3. Step tap routine as for yesterday
Theme 53 Flowing from 1 position to another. Exercises: 1. Breathing with full body stretch 2. Ankle exercises 3. Log Rolling to sitting. Reverse arm circle to spinal extension and flexion 4. Legs apart knee bends 5. Last Friday’s step tap routine
Fr Thembelani reflects on scripture passage John 15:9-17
13 May 2024 11PM
5 min
20 – 40
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