Radio Pulpit Good News Time - Inspirational Messages

Good News Time - Inspirational Messages

Everything you need to start your day with Good News. Radio Pulpit uses ministers, preachers and motivational speakers to bring a message of hope to our listeners.
Daily English South Africa Christianity · Self-Improvement
68 Episodes
1 – 20

Who created God?

Wynand Rossouw and Janine Van Niekerk talk to Uncle Angus Buchan about Who created God? This question is focused on university students to answer it or to know the answer when challenged about their God.
25 May 2022 5AM 9 min

Throwing Out The Nets

Andie Steele-Smith is from the Cape, from Hillsong Century City, and is also known as the gang pastor. He shares this morning on the theme: "Throwing out the nets", referring to John 21 when Jesus advised the disciples after a whole night of fruitless fishing to throw out the nets…
4 Mar 2021 5AM 5 min

Steps of Faith

Andie Steele Smith from Hillsong Century City shares today about the theme: "Steps of Faith" from John 5:1-9, where Jesus asks a lame man "Do you want to get well?"
24 Feb 2021 11PM 5 min

Sending moet die wêreld verander

Dr Gustav Gous verduidelik dat sending die wêreld moet verander, en ook die moet verander wat die sendingwerk doen. Sending is God se sending.
24 Feb 2021 2AM 5 min

As my gewete my ry

Wynand en Janine gesels oor jou gewete en hoe die Heilige Gees jou juis so op sonde attent maak, sodat jou verhouding met die Vader so gou as moontlik herstel kan word.
23 Feb 2021 3AM 8 min


Dr Gustav Gous verduidelik hoe ons bagasie ons terughou en ons toekoms steel.
17 Feb 2021 5AM 6 min

People with Purpose

Powerful inspiration by Andie Steele-Smith from Hillsong Century City with the theme: "People of Purpose" from Prov 29:18 - Proverbs 29:18A - "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."
11 Feb 2021 6AM 4 min

Jy is geliefd

Wynand en Janine gesels oor die tema: Jy is aanvaar, geliefd en veilig uit ROMEINE 8:15 AFR53 Want julle het nie ontvang 'n gees van slawerny om weer te vrees nie, maar julle het ontvang die Gees van aanneming tot kinders, deur wie ons roep: Abba, Vader!
9 Feb 2021 11PM 7 min

Be Strong and Courageous

Andie Steele-Smith is from Hillsong Century City in the Cape and is also known as the gang pastor, and today he is speaking from Joshua 1:1-9 with the message "Be strong and courageous."
4 Feb 2021 7AM 5 min

Om te oorkom

Wynand en Janine gesels onder andere oor die Skrif Rom 8:37 - "Maar in al hierdie dinge is ons meer as oorwinnaars deur Hom wat ons liefgehad het." En verduidelik dat oorwinning nooit in die wêreld se terme verstaan moet word nie, anders sal jou maatstaf vir sukses altyd verkeerd…
2 Feb 2021 4AM 8 min

Jou ondersteuningsstruktuur

Dr Gustav Gous help ons verstaan hoe belangrik elke mens se ondersteuningsstruktuur is, en hoe om dit in plek te kry.
28 Jan 2021 7AM 4 min

How to persevere when everyone gives up

Andie Steele Smith is still focussing on the theme of perseverance, but now gets practical on how to do so, when everything in you and everyone around you wants to give up.
27 Jan 2021 3AM 5 min

Die teenwoordigheid van die Here

Wynand en Janine gesels oor wanneer mens die Here se kosbare teenwoordigheid die mees intens ervaar, en wat dit in mens se lewe beteken en verrig.
26 Jan 2021 5AM 8 min

How to remain in perfect peace

Andie Steele Smith shares that in spite of everything, a submitted Christian has the supernatural privilege of perfect peace in the presence of God.
19 Jan 2021 11PM 4 min

Keep Going!

Having been through Covid himself over the holidays, Andie Steele-Smith knows at least in part what his friend and mentor, Uncle Errol, went through before his death recently. Uncle Errol was known as the peacemaker, and his legacy lives on in the changed lives of those he served so faithfully.
14 Jan 2021 7AM 5 min

Understanding perseverance

There is light at the end of the tunnel & what you're going through is worth it, as long as kingdom happens in the lives of those He sends us to. Andie Steele Smith encourages us to persevere.
6 Jan 2021 3AM 4 min

Die deurbraak van die vrees vir die Here

Janine deel oor die deurbraak en vreugde wat die ware vrees vir die Here in jou lewe bring, en oor hoe arm ons as Christene is daarsonder. Hoe selfs sy naaste pelle nie kon staan in Sy teenwoordigheid nie, en hoe hierdie besef ons geloof en ons gebedslewe beïnvloed.
4 Jan 2021 4AM 28 min

This week's sermon - What I heard

Every weekend 30 000+ sermons are preached all over SA, but you can attend only one. And even during one sermon, 10 people will hear 10 different things, as God speaks to each one personally. So on a Monday, we learn from one another, relating the one point in the…
14 Dec 2020 5AM 6 min

As jy jou geloof kwyt raak

Dr. Gustav Gous is nie bang om te sê dat hy al self 'n keer of wat getwyfel het in dit wat hy geglo het nie, die lewe bring jou graag by daardie punt. Maar wat jy op daardie punt doen, bepaal hoe die lewe vorentoe lyk…
9 Dec 2020 6AM 5 min
1 – 20