Gareth's Blog: An antidote to madness

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The social media world is fast, complex and unforgiving. Many brands find themselves targeted, maligned and sometimes unwittingly embroiled in controversies which seem, at the time, damaging and unfair – and which can have dire consequences….
22 Jun 2018 English South Africa Society & Culture · News

Other recent episodes

Gareth's Blog: What's Right and What's Wrong?

2022 is almost over, and very few of us will be celebrating the last year - in fact, the last three years - of our very bizarre lives on planet Earth. I could take up your whole day by listing the ways some humans have made the planet much worse…
3 Nov 2022 4 min

Gareth's Blog: Does your Brand tell Stories?

Does your brand tell stories? Absolutely! And podcasting is the most modern medium of the ancient form of storytelling. Welcome to the era of on-demand listening where people listen when they want to - and listen to what they want to. In 2021, branded podcasts have become an important tool…
6 Sep 2021 3 min

Gareth's Blog: Podcasting update - August 2021

So what’s happening in podcasting? The short answer is a lot. Podcasting went up by 50% in 2018 (according to Nielsen) and then doubled from 2019 to 2020. For, our audience doubled again since the start of the pandemic and lockdowns, and this is probably true for other South…
15 Aug 2021 3 min

Gareth's Blog: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thabo Mbeki was right: There really are two South Africas. Most people jump to the conclusion that we’re a nation divided along racial lines. Others think it’s about the haves and the have-nots. The events of the past few days have made it abundantly clear that the real divide is…
13 Jul 2021 4 min

Gareth's Blog: #FreeSpeech

If you google 'Gareth Cliff’, one of the first links that comes up is an article from November 2020 about an interview I did with David Icke, the well-known conspiracy theorist on my eNCA TV show, So What Now? The show was specifically created to "highlight diversity of thought and…
11 Jul 2021 3 min