The Numbers Don't Lie - Do we care about the youth vote?
The youth of South Africa, aged 15-34, didn't exactly queue around the block to vote in the 2019 national elections. The Parliamentary Monitoring Group said the 18-19 year olds on the 2019 voters roll was some 47% of what it was in 2014.
But despite the low turnout and low number of new registrations, we still have some hope that the young people of this country have a contribution to make. We just doubt it's going to happen in the current system.
We get Pearl Pillay, managing director of Youth Lab, a youth policy think tank, to set host Scott Peter Smith and resident data analyst Paul Berkowitz straight.
But despite the low turnout and low number of new registrations, we still have some hope that the young people of this country have a contribution to make. We just doubt it's going to happen in the current system.
We get Pearl Pillay, managing director of Youth Lab, a youth policy think tank, to set host Scott Peter Smith and resident data analyst Paul Berkowitz straight.