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Chaired by:
Malizole Mdlekeza FIA CAIA CERA - Chairman - Actuarial Society of South Africa - Alternative Investments Committee
Linda Mateza - Head: Human Resources Management at GEPF (Government Employees Pension Fund
Ndabezinhle Mkhize - Chief Investment Officer at Eskom Pension and Provident Fund
Lynette Ntuli - Chief Executive at Innate Investment Solutions: Property Development and Infrastructure Asset Management
Stuart Bartlett - Department Head: Development Impact
Industrial Development Corporation of SA Ltd (IDC)
The Alternative Investments Committee aims to expand the reach of the actuarial profession beyond the more traditional areas of actuarial practice. The actuarial skill set is one that can be applied to a broad range of areas, including alternative investments/alternative investment management. One of the asset classes covered by the committee is venture capital (private equity). Within this area, the sub-topics of entrepreneurship and SMME investment are important & topical, on both a general as well as a national/policy level. This sessional brings key players together from the private sector and the public sector, as well as pension funds, to discuss important issues and share insights. Some of the key issues to be discussed include:
- The importance of entrepreneurship in SA from an economic, demographic and social perspective, both now and into the future.
- Where actuaries can play a role: either in the underlying investment management, in setting strategic asset allocations or in the broader social planning surrounding these issues.
- How both the private and public sector can play their part to ensure long term growth/sustainability
- How pension funds view the importance of entrepreneurship/SMME investment from an ESG perspective, and how this is currently dealt with in the marketplace.
- An ideal model involving all stakeholders in tackling the issue of SMME investment in South Africa
Malizole Mdlekeza FIA CAIA CERA - Chairman - Actuarial Society of South Africa - Alternative Investments Committee
Linda Mateza - Head: Human Resources Management at GEPF (Government Employees Pension Fund
Ndabezinhle Mkhize - Chief Investment Officer at Eskom Pension and Provident Fund
Lynette Ntuli - Chief Executive at Innate Investment Solutions: Property Development and Infrastructure Asset Management
Stuart Bartlett - Department Head: Development Impact
Industrial Development Corporation of SA Ltd (IDC)
The Alternative Investments Committee aims to expand the reach of the actuarial profession beyond the more traditional areas of actuarial practice. The actuarial skill set is one that can be applied to a broad range of areas, including alternative investments/alternative investment management. One of the asset classes covered by the committee is venture capital (private equity). Within this area, the sub-topics of entrepreneurship and SMME investment are important & topical, on both a general as well as a national/policy level. This sessional brings key players together from the private sector and the public sector, as well as pension funds, to discuss important issues and share insights. Some of the key issues to be discussed include:
- The importance of entrepreneurship in SA from an economic, demographic and social perspective, both now and into the future.
- Where actuaries can play a role: either in the underlying investment management, in setting strategic asset allocations or in the broader social planning surrounding these issues.
- How both the private and public sector can play their part to ensure long term growth/sustainability
- How pension funds view the importance of entrepreneurship/SMME investment from an ESG perspective, and how this is currently dealt with in the marketplace.
- An ideal model involving all stakeholders in tackling the issue of SMME investment in South Africa