The Power Women of SA

The 2017 Women in Business Report released on International Women's Day (8 March) states that only 28% of senior management roles in South Africa are held by women. The report reveals it is still most common for senior women to be in supporting roles, particularly as human resources directors or chief financial officers. However, there has been a slow rise in the number of women in chief executive officer roles in South Africa.
Having more women in corporate leadership is imperative for business. Companies with more women at board or senior management level are the companies that perform the best, because they adapt more quickly to changing social and consumption trends – unsurprising when you think that women are only 51 percent of the population but make 71 percent of all the household purchases.
Talking to us in studio is Mrs Tshidi Ramogase and Mrs Flora Jika - both from Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa.
6 Jun 2018 English South Africa Business

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