Gerry Skerritt

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Gerry Skerritt from Dream Team loves nothing more than a delighted client and spends all his waking hours dreaming up ways of making this a reality. He’s equally at home presenting ideas to a prospective client, or delivering energetic events to big groups.
24 May 2016 English South Africa Health & Fitness

Other recent episodes

Tracey Foulkes: Productivity

What can we do about the "sick world of work"? Michael is joined by Productivity Specialist Tracey Foulkes who combines the human, technological and environmental aspects of the corporate hamster-wheel and assists with climbing off this ever-churning blackhole and how to avoid burning out.
1 Dec 2015 14 min

Steven Hall: Producer

How do you allow stories to stand the test of time? Well, someone who has redesigned the niche of videography is Steven Hall of UZI Films and he joins Michael Jackson to answer just this.
24 Nov 2015 15 min

Karin Daymond: Artist

Do you ever go beyond the meaning of the "Picture of Beauty?" Artist Karin Daymond talks to Michael Jackson about the complex emotions within the world of arts and artists. Driven between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide, taking the private cocoon of passion and sharing this…
17 Nov 2015 16 min

Monique Swart: ABTA

Do you live your life at 30 000+ feet? Monique Swart is the founder of ABTA Corporate Travel. She speaks to Michael Jackson about focusing on the expertise that's needed around business travel in safety, spending, savings and booking arrangements... the passions, sights and industry as a whole of African…
27 Oct 2015 15 min

Miles Kubheka: Entrepreneur, Gastronomist & Professional Speaker

It's not often that fiction becomes a reality. But in the case of entrepreneur Miles Kubheka, the owner of Vuyo’s (the restaurant inspired by the one in the Hansa Pilsener TV ad) life really has imitated art and he’s laughing all the way to the bank.
14 Jul 2015 15 min