"Don't be THAT guy!"

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Rich Mulholland had a flight delay over the weekend which prompts him to vent about how people behave in airports and on planes. He also has excellent advice about arm rest etiquette... plus some genius ideas about venting on email and leaving a legacy of life lessons.
17 Aug 2015 English Explicit South Africa Comedy · Society & Culture

Other recent episodes

Twitter Etiquette

Rich Mulholland steps in to discuss this week's Reality Check with Gareth Cliff and the team, this time looking at Twitter etiquette. The conversation gets interesting when they begin to look at what's behind a retweet. In his humorous, unique and insightful way, Rich highlights the point that - "If…
30 Nov 2015 17 min

"God's Work"

Rich Mulholland discusses prayer and what he feels it does during times of need, aptly after the recent Paris attacks. He touches on the belief attached to prayer along with his take on the people who volunteer themselves to do "God's work".
16 Nov 2015 16 min

‘Buy Me Stuff’ Parties

Rich is fed up with all the events and occasions that are actually meaningless, but require a gift. Engagement Parties, Push Presents, Nappy Parties… what’s next? Money is a less awkward gift, as long as it’s accompanied by poetry?
3 Aug 2015 11 min

What's in a Name?

Gareth Cliff plays Rich Mulholland his new theme song, before Rich launches into a tirade about people who don't tell you their names, especially if you're the forgetful type. It helps to have a partner to swoop in and save you in these uncomfortable situations. Rich suggests a life-saving app…
24 Aug 2015 8 min

Corporate "Gifts"

Rich returns from globetrotting to rant about corporate gifts, which he says are not really gifts but rather promotional items or adverts. He shares a story about getting such a 'gift' which could have been really great, but was ruined by the company logo. Rich issues a plea to all…
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