Whatchoo talkin' bout Gary | Surely the funniest movie of all time | Back to the Future Day | Freddy Krueger scared himself

Don't you forget about The Breakfast Club sequel. We didn't but the internet tried to trick us.

It's doccie time with the life story of Gary Coleman and the death stories of 80s hair band members.

The resurrection theme continues in Dori's movie of the week while Paulo's movie is so silly it's almost art.

As we celebrate #BTTFDAY24 we examine the technology that came true and the ones that never materialised. We're looking at you, hoverboards.

Finally Freddy Krueger even scared the crap out of himself and made an entire generation distrustful of anyone in a green and red striped jersey.

Time Stamps
**Discussion on Breakfast Club Sequel Hoax (00:05:00)**
**Gary Coleman Documentary Discussion (00:15:44)**
**The Rise of 80s Hair Metal (00:19:18)**
**Science's Funniest Movie (00:21:53)**
** "Hello Again" (00:31:28)**
**George Romero's "Monkey Shines" (00:37:17)**
**Back to the Future Day (00:52:13)**
**Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street (00:57:26)**

#80s pop culture, #That 80 Show, #Polly, #Dory, #Halloween, #80s movies, #80s music, #The Breakfast Club, #Making the Grade, #South African Podcast Awards, #Best Entertainment, #Best Artwork, #Gary Coleman, #Diff'rent Strokes, #80s documentaries, #hair metal, #satanic panic, #Mötley Crüe, #The Dirt, #Nothing But a Good Time, #George Romero, #Monkey Shines, #A Nightmare on Elm Street, #virtual reality, #Back to the Future, #hoverboards, #rejuvenation clinics, #Freddy Krueger, #horror films, #practical effects, #CGI, #cultural impact, #shared experiences, #nostalgia, #80s comedies, #Shelley Long, #Hello Again, #dark humor, #absurdity, #entertainment industry, #podcast awards, #listener support, #comedic landscape, #classic films, #movie recommendations, #community, #Halloween-themed content, #iconic characters, #childhood fears, #storytelling, #horror culture, #psychological depth.
24 Oct 2024 English Explicit South Africa Society & Culture · Music Interviews

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