#010 The Mine of the Future
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Dr. Gargi Mishra (Hatch | Senior Principal Digital Mine)
In this Episode Tendani Lukhaimane (WiMSA Regional Lead MP) talks about the Future with Dr. Gargi Mishra. Dr. Gargi is a geologist by profession who later transition into the space of Innovation. We explore her personal journey, discuss emerging technology trends, COVID-19 Impact as well as diversity and inclusivity.
Dr. Gargi Mishra (Hatch | Senior Principal Digital Mine)
In this Episode Tendani Lukhaimane (WiMSA Regional Lead MP) talks about the Future with Dr. Gargi Mishra. Dr. Gargi is a geologist by profession who later transition into the space of Innovation. We explore her personal journey, discuss emerging technology trends, COVID-19 Impact as well as diversity and inclusivity.