The show kicks off with a unique SexyDance, then musician Philip Moolman shows off his vocal talents! Plus the usual fun features from Casper and team.
11 Aug 2017
English Explicit
South Africa
Comedy · Society & Culture Casper de Vries and team
#BAGCC brings some full blood Boss Model girls so we can learn. Saturday Night Fever's choreographer Weslee Lauder and the leads Daniel Buys and Natasha van der Merwe bring cheer and disco fever to the show.
Fun in the sun with Casper and team! With Hannes on duty, the team expands their improvisation methods to bring you the saga of 'ConSeStorie' live in studio. Ever heard of Idees Vol Vrees? Chances are you have seen it in print or on the Internet. Also, the man behind…
Con van Aswegen and family brave life and deal with a jailbird, a transgender, a paedophile, and four dildos. Stofpoepies will have you rocking and rolling with an air-guitar in your hands. What is that thing Casper stands on when he takes his dogs for a run? The team investigates…
The Boys of CliffCentral finalists show their bulges ahead of the gala event. Our extra-special guest is Afrikaans music legend, Schalk Joubert. Then we celebrate the birthday of Halfrida the Alsation AKA Casper's dog.
Time is getting closer for this year's Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna, and Casper tells us all about that competition. We listen to some of the hits that have come from it over the years. ConSeStorie resumes with flair and soapbubbles, and the Extra Special guest is Stephan Welz, a… may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.