122 - Geertje van den Broeck on Running a Wheelchair Accessible Guesthouse
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In today’s episode, Lois chats with Geertje van den Broeck, who runs a wheelchair accessible guesthouse in Cape Town, South Africa.
On moving to South Africa from Belgium, Geertje decided to open the guesthouse, drawing on her past experience as a caregiver for people who were wheelchair users. During the conversation, Geertje shares a little of her story and describes the facilities that make the Casa Ilanga guesthouse wheelchair-friendly. She also touches on her plans to extend the accessibility of the accommodation to suit people living with other disabilities.
Discover more about Casa Ilanga Guesthouse
Website: https://casailanga.co.za/
Image description:
A woman wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a dark dress with a floral pattern is walking down a paved path surrounded by tall trees and greenery. She has a red shoulder bag over one shoulder.
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This episode edited by Craig Strachan using Hindenburg PRO – find out more on Hindenburg.com
Credits and music by Charlie Dyasi.
In today’s episode, Lois chats with Geertje van den Broeck, who runs a wheelchair accessible guesthouse in Cape Town, South Africa.
On moving to South Africa from Belgium, Geertje decided to open the guesthouse, drawing on her past experience as a caregiver for people who were wheelchair users. During the conversation, Geertje shares a little of her story and describes the facilities that make the Casa Ilanga guesthouse wheelchair-friendly. She also touches on her plans to extend the accessibility of the accommodation to suit people living with other disabilities.
Discover more about Casa Ilanga Guesthouse
Website: https://casailanga.co.za/
Image description:
A woman wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a dark dress with a floral pattern is walking down a paved path surrounded by tall trees and greenery. She has a red shoulder bag over one shoulder.
I’d love to hear from you – contact me at
Web: https://www.loisstrachan.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lstrachan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loisstrachanspeaker
This episode edited by Craig Strachan using Hindenburg PRO – find out more on Hindenburg.com
Credits and music by Charlie Dyasi.