118 - Raising Guide Dog Puppies, with Wendy Purdon and Tania Robbertze

** My new book, Paws for Thought (second edition) is now available for pre-order. Get your copy at https://www.amazon.com/Paws-Thought-second-Seeing-Through-ebook/dp/B0DRTJF95G/

In today’s episode, Lois returns to the fun topic of the training of guide dogs, this time focusing on the crucial early months of the dogs’ life before they start formal training. She talks with two puppy raisers, Tania Robbertze and Wendy Purdon about what is involved in caring for the puppies.

During the conversation, Tania and Wendy mention several well-known Cape Town events. These are described below.
1 Tania mentions Gladys Evans. She was the founder of the South African
Guide Dogs Association for the Blind.
2Tania refers to Maynardville, an outdoor theatre complex in Cape Town that has an annual Shakespeare play.
3 Wendy refers to Dancers with Dogs. It is an annual dance performance done to benefit the South African Guide Dogs Association for the Blind, where guide dog puppies are often integrated into the performance.
Reach out to them at
South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind: https://guidedog.org.za/#content
AWOL Tours: https://www.awoltours.co.za
Image Description:
Two adorable tiny Labrador Retriever puppies sitting on a soft grey surface. The puppy on the left is black with a shiny coat and is sitting upright with its mouth slightly open. It is wearing a guide dog harness that is far too big for it. The puppy on the right is a light yellow color and is lying down with its front paws stretched out. It is also wearing an oversized guide dog harness. Both puppies have an attentive expression on their faces.
Photo with kind permission by Tania Robbertze.
I’d love to hear from you – contact me at
Web: https://www.loisstrachan.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lstrachan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loisstrachanspeaker

This episode edited by Craig Strachan using Hindenburg PRO – find out more on Hindenburg.com
Credits and music by Charlie Dyasi.
14 Jan English South Africa Society & Culture · Non-Profit

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