Stats SA reshuffles the inflation basket: what’s in and what’s out?
GUEST - Patrick Kelly, Chief Director for Price Statistics at STATS SA
Stats SA has shaken up the basket of goods and services used to measure consumer inflation. The products in the basket are updated periodically to better reflect shifts and trends in consumer spending. Product weights are also adjusted.
The facelift includes adding 71 new products, removing 53 products and reorganising 29 products (through merging, splitting or reclassification). In total, there are now 391 products in the basket, down from 396.
Stats SA has shaken up the basket of goods and services used to measure consumer inflation. The products in the basket are updated periodically to better reflect shifts and trends in consumer spending. Product weights are also adjusted.
The facelift includes adding 71 new products, removing 53 products and reorganising 29 products (through merging, splitting or reclassification). In total, there are now 391 products in the basket, down from 396.