Kasi Worship hits Mamelodi 30 Nov

Janine van Niekerk is speaking to JRoss, Darryll Hardy and Retief Burger about winning back the soul of the land of Melodies... Mamelody, with worship, on the 30th of November.
30 Oct 1AM English South Africa Christianity · Christianity

Other recent episodes


Godsightings – where we celebrate the goodness and love of Jesus during this past week with your testimonies about where you have seen His hand in action in your life.
8 Nov 12AM 10 min

Andie Steele Smith: A new thing

We kick off with Andie Steele Smith, also known as the gang pastor from Australia. Today he talks about “A New Thing” from Isaiah 43:18 – 20.
8 Nov 12AM 5 min

Lynette Beer: Jou drome tel

Motiveringsspreker, teoloog en verhoudingsspesialis, Lynette Beer, gesels oor haar tema: “Jou drome tel” uit Ef 3:20 - 23.
7 Nov 12AM 4 min

Huweliksfokus: beplan 'n mooi toekoms

Ons skop ons die dag af met 'n vergrootglas op huwelike. Deon en Karen du Toit van Huweliksfokus is huweliksaktiviste, en hulle hanteer vandag ‘n tema: “Beplan ‘n mooi toekoms”
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