Filling the gap featuring Niell Lynch, Juan- Pierre Combrinck and Combrink Nel!

Dwain, Niell Lynch, Juan- Pierre Combrinck and Combrink Nel talk about our Identity within Christ. How important it is to our walk. The fact that we are enough because God does not make or use half measures.
16 Sep English South Africa Self-Improvement · Christianity

Other recent episodes

Filling the Gap featuring Rev Pearl Kupe!

Rev Pearl Kupe specialises in Kingdom Legislation, informing churches of our Godly responsibility and parents of our Legal Rights. Dwain and Rev talk about the Monkeypox, the new vaccination, what we need to know and what we should do.
26 Aug 49 min

What does it mean to be the salt of the earth?

Rev Pearl Kupe specialises in Kingdom Legislation, informing churches of our Godly responsibility and parents of our Legal Rights. Dwain and Rev discuss how we need to be salt for this earth. We cant be salt if we are outside of the world, and if you leave salt contained it…
29 Jul 45 min

How the election reshapes South Africa's political landscape

Rev Pearl Kupe specialises in Kingdom Legislation, informing churches of our Godly responsibility and parents of our Legal Rights. Dwain and Rev discuss what is happening post voting. How did what happened at the voting station change our countries political landscape. What we can look forward to and what we…
24 Jun 53 min

Filling the Gap featuring Rev Pearl Kupe!

Rev Pearl Kupe specialises in Kingdom Legislation, informing churches of our Godly responsibility and parents of our Legal Rights. Dwain and Rev discuss the upcoming elections: How to Vote! We need to go make our mark, it makes a difference.
21 May 54 min