Praying for the new Government

We have another chance to pray for the new government that has just been sworn in. These people will lead our nation and make decisions that affect our lives. 1 Timothy 2:2 ERV - “You should pray for rulers and for all who have authority. Pray for these leaders so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives—lives full of devotion to God and respect for him.”
17 Jun 1AM English South Africa Christianity · Christianity

Other recent episodes

Dr Chuck Day - Who is this Man?

We start off with Dr. Chuck Day joining us every Monday morning. He is Associate Pastor at Lewende Woord and his message for today is all about Mark 2 asking “Who is this Man’?
9 Sep 1AM 4 min

Godsightings for the week

Godsightings is where we celebrate the goodness and love of Jesus during this past week with your testimonies about where you have seen His hand in action in your life.
6 Sep 1AM 7 min

Andie Steele Smith: hope for the future

We kick off with Andie Steele Smith, also known as the gang pastor from Australia, and today his theme is: “Hope for the future” referring to Hebr 11:1 and Rom 15:13
6 Sep 1AM 3 min

Huweliksfokus: Vernuwe jou denke

Ons skop die dag af met 'n vergrootglas op huwelike. Deon en Karen du Toit van Huweliksfokus is huweliksaktiviste, en hulle hanteer vandag ‘n tema wat baie huwelike persoonlik ken: “Vernuwe jou denke” uit Rom 12:2
4 Sep 1AM 4 min