GUEST: Craig Pitchers, CEO of The Courier Guy. Competition amongst local couriers has increased dramatically
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GUEST - Deven Moodley, Executive Head for Pick n Pay's value-added services, financial services, and mobile division
A year after Pick n Pay pioneered Bitcoin payments at tills across South Africa, the retail giant is doing R1-million a month in sales from shoppers buying groceries, data, airtime, and paying their municipal bills. Four times more customers per month are using
Crypto QR codes at nearly 700 Pick n Pays, mostly in the Western Cape followed by Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Half of all transactions are R500 and under, and the transaction amount is capped at R10 000.
Crypto payments are taking off, and Pick n Pay remains the first and only large retail store to accept cryptocurrency. “We started from a low base of around R25 000 per month, and it has grown exponentially every month over the past year,” said Deven Moodley,
Executive Head for Pick n Pay's value-added services, financial services, and mobile division. The payment method is also accepted at PnP Express and Pick n Pay Clothing.
A year after Pick n Pay pioneered Bitcoin payments at tills across South Africa, the retail giant is doing R1-million a month in sales from shoppers buying groceries, data, airtime, and paying their municipal bills. Four times more customers per month are using
Crypto QR codes at nearly 700 Pick n Pays, mostly in the Western Cape followed by Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Half of all transactions are R500 and under, and the transaction amount is capped at R10 000.
Crypto payments are taking off, and Pick n Pay remains the first and only large retail store to accept cryptocurrency. “We started from a low base of around R25 000 per month, and it has grown exponentially every month over the past year,” said Deven Moodley,
Executive Head for Pick n Pay's value-added services, financial services, and mobile division. The payment method is also accepted at PnP Express and Pick n Pay Clothing.