Fear of man brings a snare

Pastor Bongani Ntuli discusses Proverbs 29:25, which states, "The fear of man brings a snare." He explains that the devil often entices us with things that appear good, but ultimately lead to our destruction. When we fear man, we set ourselves up for a trap, falling into situations that can harm us.
4 Jun 4AM Xhosa South Africa Christianity · Christianity

Other recent episodes

Trust in the Lord

Dr. Mary Masina is teaching on the importance of trusting in the Lord, drawing from 2 Kings 7:3-14. She emphasizes that God is able to make a way even when it seems like there is no way. The story of the four lepers illustrates this truth—they reasoned that staying where…
26 Sep 7AM 19 min

Be set apart

Dr. Mary Masina is teaching about being set apart, drawing from Genesis 11:1-14. We will focus on the phrase, "They settled and dwelt there," reflecting how they forgot God's command in Genesis 1:28 to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. Often, we too become comfortable with where we are,…
26 Sep 7AM 20 min

Worshipping God for who he is #2

Pastor Bongani Ntuli continues his teaching on worshiping God for who He is. In Job 2:1-10, Satan once again attempts to discredit Job’s character, but Job unwaveringly upholds his integrity. We should not be defined by the things we possess, as they come and go.
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The death of Lazarus #2

Pastor Bongani Moyo, drawing from the story of Lazarus in John 11:4-7, teaches that God's love surpasses any circumstance we face. Unlike the transactional love common in today's society—where affection is often tied to what one can give—God's love remains constant, unconditional, and unaffected by material conditions or external factors…
20 Sep 9AM 23 min

There is power in the name of Jesus Christ

Pastor J M Mahlangu emphasizes the power in the name of Jesus Christ, as declared in Acts 4:12: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." When we pray in the name of Jesus,…
13 Sep 4AM 20 min