Turning your draft into a manuscript.

Ayanda Nenemba talks to Pastor Tladi about Turning your draft into a manuscript. They are looking at drafts and manuscripts, and how to turn your draft into a manuscript so it can be accepted by the publisher.
28 Feb 8AM English South Africa Christianity · Christianity

Other recent episodes

Frequently asked questions about The Holy Spirit.

Sibongile Mofokeng is conversing with Pastor Angie Camposreal about Frequently asked questions about The Holy Spirit. This is based on her book and she is going through some of the questions people ask about The Holy Spirit, and she explains who The Holy Spirit is to help someone who might…
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End Of Year Slump - Exhaustion.

God is concerned about you and your well-being, and mindful about you. Sibongile Mofokeng is conversing with Ambassador Prudence Mochumi about End Of Year Slump - Exhaustion. They are looking at the fact that you don't have to give up and lose hope but that He is going to take…
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