S07E12: Sara Jorge - The Perceptive Trader. Coach and FX trader
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Sara Jorge is an FX trader and trading coach based in Valencia, Spain. She’s also the author of an E-Book called Building the mind-set of a trader. In this podcast, she discusses her method of trading which is focused in a 3-4 hour window each morning, and also discusses all the periphery work that she does behind the scenes to ensure she operates at her best during that 3-4 hour period. We also tackle the question of why there aren’t more women in the trading arena.
CFD losses can exceed your deposits. IG Markets South Africa Limited is an authorised FSP No 41393 and an over-the-counter derivative provider.
CFD losses can exceed your deposits. IG Markets South Africa Limited is an authorised FSP No 41393 and an over-the-counter derivative provider.