S07E10: David Hale: Author of Cash Rules: Reminiscences of a Day Trader
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When it comes to trading books, few will describe the brutal reality of the ups and downs that traders can go through like David Hales’ book, Cash Rules – Reminiscences of a Day Trader. It’s a real life, raw account of his story as a day trader. It details the story of his roller coaster career, and reads as a cautionary tale for those wanting to get involved in trading. In this podcast, David shares his story in brief, along with some lessons learned along the way. Fortunately, David’s story does have a happy ending and he’s managed to fight back from some very dark, difficult times in his trading career.
CFD losses can exceed your deposits. IG Markets South Africa Limited is an authorised FSP No 41393 and an over-the-counter derivative provider.
CFD losses can exceed your deposits. IG Markets South Africa Limited is an authorised FSP No 41393 and an over-the-counter derivative provider.