In hierdie episode gesels ek en Isabel oor verlies en genesing. Die verlies aan hulle plaas, die verlies aan haar geliefde Mamma, en ook haar en haar man se pad met infertiliteit. Wat `n inspirerende getuienis.
Ek gesels met Isabel Olivier, eienaar van die besigheid Kleine Krummels. Sy vertel oor haar grootword jare op die plaas, haar liefde vir kosmaak, drome om `n sjef te word, en hoe Kleine Krummels ontstaan het. In alles sien sy die Here se hand in haar lewe.
In this episode we talk about loving ourselves, what it is, and what it isn't, and also how we love others. Its always a blessing and inspiration to learn from Roy and Colleen.
This is a time of fellowship and refreshing as we talk about the first commandment, loving the Lord with all of our beings, and also not to leave our first love. may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.