Jabulani and the Lion (S1 Epi2 in English)

In episode two of African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe, our award-winning storyteller shares one of the most popular stories she’s told over the decades: ‘Jabulani and the Lion’.

Gcina Mhlophe explains: “One of the best memories of our childhood is the time when we ran around feeling so carefree. The hours were long, and the birds of heaven sang happy songs for us as we played our favourite games with friends. Sometimes, it was great to be alone and have some of our own adventures too.

“Through these stories of long ago, we get to experience humans and animals speaking each other's languages.

“In this story, ‘Jabulani and the Lion’, Jabulani was a herd boy who loved to take care of his father's cattle. He played many fun games with his friends. But wintertime was his best time of the year. It was on one such winter’s day when Jabulani got to meet Lion, the king of the beasts himself!

“Shock and fear soon gave way to a sense of adventure. Lion promised to be his best friend and the innocent young herd boy believed him, not realising he was putting his life in grave danger.

“The different animals they met all had something to say about their sad experiences with human beings. Jabulani feared that he would die on that day, that he would never see his mother again.

“It is one of the most popular stories I’ve told over the years. It’s also been dramatised by many school learners.”

(Production Engineer: Lango Cele. Executive Producer: Diane Macpherson)
15 Mar 2023 English South Africa Kids & Family · Books

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