East Coast Radio Podcasts African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe

African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe

Step into the wonderful world of African storytelling with Gcina Mhlophe. In the multi-award-winning African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe, Gcina shares many of the tales you grew up with plus new stories – so we can keep the magic of African storytelling alive for new generations.

Season 2 of African Story Magic is proudly brought to you by McDonalds Happy Meal Readers. Listen to each episode in either English or isiZulu and let's keep the storytelling magic alive!

This podcast series is a proud collaboration between Gcina Mhlophe and East Coast Radio.

#AfricanStoryMagic #GcinaMhlophe #Podcasts

Accolades for African Story Magic:

Winner of Podcast of the Year at the 2024 DStv Content Creator Awards
Silver winner at the 2024 New Generation Awards
Bronze winner at the 2024 Bookmark Awards
Honourable Mention for Excellence in Podcasting at the 2023 DStv Content Creator Awards
Best in Fiction at the 2023 APVA Awards

More about Dr Gcina Mhlophe:

Dr Gcina Mhlophe is a celebrated author, storyteller, and founding director of the Gcinamasiko Arts & Heritage Trust. Her works have been translated into multiple languages, including all official South African languages and even Braille. Dr Mhlophe has directed her theatrical plays in the USA, UK, and Greenland, with her most renowned and studied work being "Have You Seen Zandile?" She has been awarded honorary doctorates from eight universities globally and has received numerous accolades, such as the SAMA, OBBIE, and Joseph Jefferson Awards, as well as the SAFTA Lifetime Achievement award for her acting and contributions to film in South Africa. As a leading figure in South African storytelling, her birthday, October 24th, has been designated National Storytelling Day since 2019, celebrated at her own venue, The Storytelling Tree, in Durban.

• Follow the podcast or listen via the ECR website under Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Podcasts!
Weekly English South Africa Kids & Family · Books
26 Episodes
1 – 20

Sisanda’s Gift (S2 Epi2 in English)

‘Sisanda's Gift’ is about a young girl named Sisanda who lives near a game reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, where both her parents work. When Sisanda hears about a young giraffe calf that has lost its mother, she’s heartbroken. Her parents, understanding her sadness, allow her to visit the calf. Sisanda brings…
11 Feb 8 min

isipho sikaSisanda (S2 Epi12 in isiZulu)

‘Sisanda's Gift’ is about a young girl named Sisanda who lives near a game reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, where both her parents work. When Sisanda hears about a young giraffe calf that has lost its mother, she’s heartbroken. Her parents, understanding her sadness, allow her to visit the calf. Sisanda brings…
11 Feb 11 min

Fudukazi’s Magic (S2 Epi6 in English)

Long ago, all the animals in the land were the same dull brown colour. They lived in harmony, respecting one another. Among them was a wise and magical Queen Mother Tortoise, loved by all and known as Fudukazi. One fateful day, Fudukazi decided to share her special gift. With her…
4 Feb 15 min

Umlingo kaFudukazi (S2 Epi6 in isiZulu)

Kudala, zonke izilwane ezazihlala emhlabeni zazinemibala efanayo ensundu engathi ayinampilo. Zaziphila ngokuthula, zihloniphana. Phakathi kwazo kwakukhona unina wazo ohlakaniphile futhi onobugugu, iNdlovukazi uFudukazi, othandwa yizo zonke izidalwa. Ngelinye ilanga elibalulekile, uFudukazi wanquma ukwabelana ngesipho sakhe esiyigugu. Ngezwi lakhe elithambile, waguqula usuku olujwayelekile lwasehlobo lwaba usuku olugcwele umlingo nenjabulo. Njengoba isilwane…
4 Feb 15 min

The Singing Chameleon (S2 Epi5 in English)

This is a story about a lonely chameleon who lived on a riverbank a long time ago. All the other river animals shunned him. They mocked and disliked him, calling him ugly and a disgrace. The chameleon always tried to hide and be alone, away from all those who hated…
21 Jan 12 min

Unwabu Oluculayo (S2 Epi5 in isiZulu)

Lena indaba yonwabu oluhlala lodwa osebeni lomfula kudala. Zonke ezinye izilwane zasemfuleni zazimgwema. Bemubhuqa, bengamthandi, bembiza ngomubiza nehlazo. Unwabu njalo wayezama ukucasha futhi abe yedwa, kude nabo bonke ababemzonda. Kodwa ngolunye usuku, kwafika ushintsho olukhulu ekuphileni kwakhe, konke ngenxa yethalente lakhe elikhethekile: isipho somculo. Ngalolo suku wayeshaya insimbi encane ebizwa…
21 Jan 15 min

ABC Prayers (S2 Epi4 in English)

Gcina Mhlophe brings to life the heartwarming tale of a young herd boy with a big dream — to go to school and church like the other kids in his village. But his father has other plans, insisting he stay home to look after the cattle. Refusing to give up,…
7 Jan 9 min

Imithandazo ka-ABC (S2 Epi4 in isiZulu)

UGcina Mhlophe uveza indaba ethinta inhliziyo yomfana omncane ongumalusi onephupho elikhulu — ukuya esikoleni nasesontweni njengezinye izingane zasendaweni yakubo. Kodwa uyise unamanye amacebo, uthi akasale ekhaya elusa izinkomo. Enqaba ukuyeka, umfana uqala ukufunda izinhlamvu ngosizo lomngane. Ngolunye usuku, uthandaza kuNkulunkulu ngendlela ehlukile kuye—ngokuphindaphinda izinhlamvu zamagama ngokuzwakalayo. Indoda edlulayo izwa lo…
7 Jan 6 min

African Mother Christmas (S2 Epi3 in English)

Celebrate the holidays with African Mother Christmas, a truly local story from African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe. Set against the scenic backdrop of the Valley of a Thousand Hills, near Hillcrest outside Durban, this uplifting story reflects the hot KZN summers, the end of the school year, and the…
10 Dec 2024 12 min

UMama uMasoKhisimusi wase Afrika (S2 Epi3 in isiZulu)

Gubha amaholide ngo-Mama uMasoKhisimusi wase Afrika, indaba yasendaweni ngempela evela ku-African Story Magic noGcina Mhlophe. Njengoba ibhekene nesizinda se-Valley of a Thousand Hills, eduze kwase-Hillcrest ngaphandle kweTheku, le ndaba eyakhayo ikhombisa ukushisa kwehlobo lase-KZN, ukuphela konyaka wesikole, kanye nesasasa lemikhosi kaKhisimusi. UThando noBuntu bayazithanda izinsuku zasehlobo ezinde bebhukuda emfuleni futhi…
10 Dec 2024 13 min

Sunset Colours (S2 Epi1 in English)

In episode one of the brand-new season of African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe, we journey to a rural KwaZulu-Natal village where young Themba dreams of becoming a great hunter, like others in the village. But his true gift lies in creating beautiful portraits and paintings. While the villagers admire…
12 Nov 2024 13 min

Imibala yokushona kwelanga (S2 Epi1 in isiZulu)

In episode one of the brand-new season of African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe, we journey to a rural KwaZulu-Natal village where young Themba dreams of becoming a great hunter, like others in the village. But his true gift lies in creating beautiful portraits and paintings. While the villagers admire…
12 Nov 2024 15 min

Season 2 drops 13 November 2024!

Season 2 of the award-winning African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe launches on November 13, 2024, bringing you six enchanting new stories in both English and isiZulu! Listen to the first episode, Sunset Colours, and dive into the magic of African storytelling. Proudly brought to you by McDonald's Happy Meal…
12 Nov 2024 1 min

Nozincwadi: Mother of Books (S1 Epi6 in English)

The sixth episode of ‘African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe’ is a very special story. It’s written by Dr Gcina Mhlophe herself to honour her great-grandmother, Nozincwadi, who – while unable to read or write – loved the magic of words. "I have loved stories and books from a very…
17 May 2023 12 min

Nozincwadi, uMama Wezincwadi (S1 Epi6 in isiZulu)

The sixth episode of ‘African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe’ is a very special story. It’s written by Dr Gcina Mhlophe herself to honour her great-grandmother, Nozincwadi, who – while unable to read or write – loved the magic of words. "I have loved stories and books from a very…
17 May 2023 10 min

How Tortoise Won Respect (S1 Epi5 in English)

In a world that often values talkativeness and showy displays of knowledge, this timeless story of the tortoise who won respect serves as a powerful reminder of the untapped potential of those who may be overlooked or underestimated. “One thing I appreciate about the story of ‘How the Tortoise Won…
3 May 2023 11 min

Ingabe ufudu lwazuza kanjani inhlonipho (S1 Epi5 in isiZulu)

In a world that often values talkativeness and showy displays of knowledge, this timeless story of the tortoise who won respect serves as a powerful reminder of the untapped potential of those who may be overlooked or underestimated. “One thing I appreciate about the story of ‘How the Tortoise Won…
3 May 2023 10 min

Lungile, the Most Beautiful Girl (S1 Epi4 in English)

Unlock the magic of ‘Lungile, The Most Beautiful Girl’: an inspiring story of patience and self-discovery by Gcina Mhlophe. It’s the much-anticipated fourth episode of ‘African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe’, available in English and isiZulu. “This is a story I have loved for many years. For me, it has…
19 Apr 2023 10 min

ULungile, intombi enhle kunazo zonke (S1 Epi4 in isiZulu)

Unlock the magic of ‘Lungile, The Most Beautiful Girl’: an inspiring story of patience and self-discovery by Gcina Mhlophe. It’s the much-anticipated fourth episode of ‘African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe’, available in English and isiZulu. “This is a story I have loved for many years. For me, it has…
18 Apr 2023 14 min

Crocodile and Monkey's Heart (S1 Epi3 in English)

In the latest episode of ‘African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe’, we’re transported to the mighty Ngwenya River in KwaZulu-Natal. It’s a tale that captivated Dr Mhlophe as a child when her grandmother used to tell it to her -- the classic story of a young crocodile and a monkey…
29 Mar 2023 12 min
1 – 20