WINE O'CLOCK: Friends that don't buy, pay or bring alcohol.
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Wine O'clock, let's wine about it, Kaya family! We all have friends that we hang around with, visit and go out with, right? And it's almost impossible to go to the end of the story with having a 'but' somewhere.
We enjoy the company of our circles but there is always that friend that won't buy, pay for or bring alcohol at any point of our enjoyment. To top it all off, they also get to leave with the leftovers.
Who is that friend?
We're name dropping on this episode.
We enjoy the company of our circles but there is always that friend that won't buy, pay for or bring alcohol at any point of our enjoyment. To top it all off, they also get to leave with the leftovers.
Who is that friend?
We're name dropping on this episode.