Chair Ilyaas Amien on UCT MSA's annual Islam Week
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As Muslim youth continue to grapple with navigating an increasingly Westernized society, the Muslim Student Association at UCT will be delving into the essence of Islam as a solution to several societal ills. A host of learned speakers and enthusiastic youth will take centre stage in the mostly virtual event, between Monday 9 August 2021 and Saturday 14 August. The line-up includes an outreach programme and crucial discussions such as the "Science and Islam", "Medical benefits of Faith", "Islamic history in the Cape" and "Adaab in Islam". Participants of all ages can look forward to a week of riveting information sharing and spiritual upliftment In Sha Allah. Links to the annual event are attached below.
UCT MSA Chair Ilyaas Amien spoke to Real Talk about the event:
UCT MSA Chair Ilyaas Amien spoke to Real Talk about the event: