EP22: World Autism Awareness Day - 2nd of April

World Autism Awareness Day celebrates the unique talents of those with Autism, while putting a huge focus on the warm embrace and welcome that these skills deserve through community events around the globe.

We were joined by two brilliant and inspirational women – Susan Daly and Dr Dee Blackie. Sue describes herself as not trained or prepared for Autism, she says she is a work in progress. She is mom to 24 year old Cairan and 22 year old Heather. Cairan is Autistic and throughout his life, Sue has been a pioneer in seeking solutions for Cairan’s health care, education and in ensuring that he is in a fulfilling and nurturing adult care program. Dr Dee Blackie transitioned from the corporate world to the world of child protection 10 years ago. Dee developed Courage to increase awareness and understanding of child protection challenges in communities to improve the gate-keeping function of child protection organisations across the globe. Dee has just been awarded her PhD from WITS, her research focuses on childhood learning disabilities and neurodevelopmental disorders.

We talk about increasing understanding and acceptance of people with Autism and how we can inspire a kinder, more inclusive world.
1 Apr 2021 English South Africa Society & Culture · Social Sciences

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26 May 2022 32 min

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18 May 2022 24 min

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EP2: COVID as an adverse childhood experience

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