Sh Yusuf Gassiep on Dar Ahlil Quraan fundraiser
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out. Like many other organisations that have been stifled by the pandemic, the Dar Ahlil Quraan institution in Ottery was exception. But given that the Quran is such a crucial part of a successful life- Real Talk hopes to highlight its latest fundraiser. The Dar Ahlil Quraan institution teaches Tahfith Al-Qurán, Arabic, Jazariyyah (poetry) Tajwíd Theory, Tafsir, Qurán literacy for beginners and Life-Skills on a full and part time bases. Extra Mural and Outreach activities are also an integral part of the education programme. Classes are held weekdays at Masjidul-Fatgh, Old Strandfontein Road. Contact Mualima Maheerah to find out how to contribute: 079 600 1980