Webber Wentzel Webber Wentzel Legal Insights

Webber Wentzel Legal Insights

Webber Wentzel is an African firm founded in South Africa more than 150 years ago. We provide in-depth legal and tax services through​out the continent. Our alliance with Linklaters and network of deep relationships with Africa's leading firms allows us to draw on the highest quality and most business relevant pan-African advice - matching this to the needs of our clients. We have over the last 50 years worked on some of the most transformative and significant matters on the African continent.
Weekly English South Africa Business · Government
50 Episodes
1 – 20

Greylisting: Unveiling South Africa's AML Efforts and the 2025 Delisting Ambition

A year ago, greylisting by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) cast a shadow over South Africa's financial landscape. This designation, which represents deficiencies in a country's regulatory regime in the fight against money laundering, proliferated financing and terrorist financing, has raised concerns about economic consequences and global competitiveness. In…
22 Feb 2024 21 min

The truth about fraud: The impact of fraudulent claims in the public sector

Fraud committed in the public sector has a negative impact on the government and taxpayers. It is therefore important that the appropriate mechanisms are put in place to mitigate, detect, and prevent fraud. In this podcast, Lionel van Tonder, Zelda Swanepoel and Christopher Williamson give examples of fraud perpetrated in…
9 Nov 2023 14 min

Trending topics: Tax deductibility of ESG-related expenses

As we highlight the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals, we consider the tax deductibility of related expenses. In this podcast, Cor Kraamwinkel, Candice Meyer and Margaret Vermaak highlight how ESG extends its impact from global sustainability goals to individual companies and individuals in South Africa. They explore…
7 Nov 2023 12 min

Trending topics: Corporate Governance

The significance of the 'G' in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is fundamental to ensuring that businesses align with societal concerns and strive for long-term value creation while adhering to regulatory and legal frameworks. In this podcast, Gabi Richards-Smith, Lenee Green, and Analisa Ndebele delve into the critical topic of…
1 Nov 2023 14 min

Trending topics: Ransomware attacks

Over the past few years, we've witnessed a significant upsurge in ransomware attacks, affecting individuals, businesses, and even critical infrastructure. In this podcast, Wendy Tembedza and Karl Blom, dive into the alarming and rapidly evolving world of these cyber threats. Join us as we explore the latest trends on these…
20 Oct 2023 16 min

Using sustainability-linked financing for impact, to achieve ESG goals

In this podcast, Khurshid Fazel, Webber Wentzel partner in the banking and finance team catches up with Arvana Singh, Head of Sustainable Finance Solutions (Nedbank CIB), Relebohile Malahleha, Executive Strategic Finance and Treasury (Barloworld) and Irshaad Wadvalla, ESG Officer (Equities Property Fund Limited), who share valuable perspectives informed by their…
14 Jun 2023 52 min

ESG: Business and Human Rights - What does it mean and why does it matter?

Business and Human Rights (BHR) has become increasingly important due to the world's increased focus on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). Human rights due diligence and human rights impact assessments are some of the key controls that guide corporate strategy and planning on BHR matters. In this podcast, Pooja Dela…
30 Mar 2023 15 min

Consumer Sector Round Up - 2021 In Review

Over the past year, we have seen the spending patterns of South African consumers change, due to factors such as inflation and also COVID-19. Statistics also show that one in three South African consumers live beyond their means, where low and middle-income groups spend mostly on non-discretion items such as…
15 Dec 2021 24 min

In conversation with the Pension Funds Adjudicator

The Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator (OPFA) published its Annual Report for 2020/21, and whilst the OPFA recorded a reduction in the number of new complaints referred for that period, it noted that this may be due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst pension funds, administrators and employers have their…
24 Nov 2021 20 min
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