Consumer Sector Round Up - 2021 In Review

Over the past year, we have seen the spending patterns of South African consumers change, due to factors such as inflation and also COVID-19. Statistics also show that one in three South African consumers live beyond their means, where low and middle-income groups spend mostly on non-discretion items such as housing and accommodation.

In this podcast, Webber Wentzel partners, Bernadette Versfeld, Candice Meyer, Pooja Dela, Ghassan Sader and Kirsty Kilner discuss the South African consumer sector trends in 2021 – focused on legal issues, they also unpack what to expect moving forward, and identify opportunities for the sector and our country as a whole.

Host: Bernadette Versfeld, Partner, Webber Wentzel

Executive Producer: Andrea Collocott
15 Dec 2021 English South Africa Business · Government

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