ESG: Business and Human Rights - Unpacking the stages of the Human Rights Due Diligence process

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Businesses are required to take ownership of, and commit to, respecting human rights in their organisations and throughout their entire value chain. They need to act on identifying, preventing, mitigating, and remediating negative human rights impacts that may result from their operations or their business relationships, by putting the necessary systems and controls in place. The main controls, as envisaged in United Nations' Guiding Principles on Human Rights (UNGPs), include human rights due diligence (or HRDD) and human rights impact assessments (or HRIA).

In this podcast, Pooja Dela and Paula-Ann Novotny unpack each of the stages of the Human Rights Due Diligence process.

Guests: Pooja Dela – partner Webber Wentzel ESG, Paula-Ann Novotny – Senior Associate Webber Wentzel ESG
24 Apr 2023 English South Africa Business · Government

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