The Curve Corner
The Curve Corner brings you the conversations we think about, but are afraid to have. We are unConventional, unRestricted and unAdulterated... throwing out political correctness and calling a spade a spade.
Andile Kunene - HalfMan HalfAmazing - is an entrepreneur, speaker and an all-round creative who believes in speaking life into almost any idea because that may be the one that changes the world for the better.
Noluthando Nkosi is a Self-Love activist, lover of all things amazing and founder of Curve Loving. Cute but will bite and dangerously intelligent.
Andile Kunene - HalfMan HalfAmazing - is an entrepreneur, speaker and an all-round creative who believes in speaking life into almost any idea because that may be the one that changes the world for the better.
Noluthando Nkosi is a Self-Love activist, lover of all things amazing and founder of Curve Loving. Cute but will bite and dangerously intelligent.