
When the Spice Girls burst onto the scene talking girl power it felt like the whole world had suddenly woken up to the power of the feminine. But actually it had just been reignited by the power of youth. Fast Forward 20 years and Girl Power is all grown up. The multi-tasking, high flying, cooking, cleaning, boardroom smashing and yummy mummying new age woman is here. We’ve been taught that a Jack of all trades in master of none... well, on Womandla! we think they should have asked Jill cause she is proving to be a mistress of them all! We are talking: Boardrooms, Bedrooms and Bars Heels and Wheels Waxes and Taxes - in fact, if it affects the life of a woman it’s on Womandla!
Weekly English South Africa Society & Culture
139 Episodes
32 – 52

Womandla! - Savings with a Difference

Michelle Dave is here for your end of the month money advice. Learn more about savings - and not just in a traditional sense, and using add-ons to make your life easier.
24 Aug 2016 47 min

Womandla! - A Fix for Fibroids?

Up to 4 in 10 women suffer from fibroids around the world, and black women are up to 3 times more prone to getting them. What are your options - removing your womb? Well not anymore! Dr Gary Sudwarts has come straight from theatre to spend an hour with Phumi,…
17 Aug 2016 44 min

Womandla! - Thabiso Mahlape

She is the fresh new feisty voice in South Africa’s publishing world. She is the power behind some of this year's ultimate Twitter shade about black stories, writers and women in the largely male-dominated arena of getting the nation reading. Thabiso Mahlape is the voice, the face, the power and…
10 Aug 2016 53 min

Womandla! - Money Matrimony

Setting your perfect wedding is important, but choosing the right regime for your marriage is more important. In community of property, antenuptial with or without accruals, or even the post-nuptial agreements is the order of the day with Michelle Dave talking about guarding your money - and your heart. Estate…
27 Jul 2016 41 min

Womandla! - Celebrating Businesswomen

Celebrating women is what we do, and when the Business Women’s Association tells us that they're having a gala dinner to celebrate the top businesswomen in Gauteng, we had to chat with them. Keynote speaker of the day and illusive businesswoman Ipeleng Mkhari talks about transcending the hustle and building…
20 Jul 2016 48 min

Womandla! - Drug Awareness Week

It’s Drug Awareness Week, hot on the heels of the most shocking revelation of a high-profile South African killed by her drug addicted son. Nicole is the addiction councillor at Phoenix House - Johannesburg’s oldest privately operated rehabilitation centre. Phumi and Nicole talk addictions and how loved ones can help…
29 Jun 2016 45 min

Womandla! - Money & Cars

What are the things to ask about when you buy a new or used car and what must you stay far away from? Phumi talks money and cars with Michelle Dave and they are joined by the group finance and insurance executive of Bidvest McCarthy, Jane Stirling.
22 Jun 2016 51 min

Womandla! - Pre Youth Day Show

Reflecting images of awesome blackness to little children starts with the dolls that they play with and Malaville’s Mala Bryan, creator of black fashion dolls chats about designing and making her dreams in the form of dolls. Then Phumi chats to Nalibali spokesperson, Lucky Sithole, about reading and celebrating multilingualism…
15 Jun 2016 46 min

Womandla! - Mohale Mashigo

'The Yearning' is the debut novel by Mohale Mashigo, and it's getting lots of attention in the literary world. She is also the award-winning singer and songwriter, BlckPorcelain. On the line from her home in Cape Town, she talks about her different creative personas, the world as she sees it…
8 Jun 2016 45 min

Womandla! - All About Tax

Tax season is almost upon us again and in a month we are all supposed to be submitting our returns. Get ahead of the pack and get all your affairs in order - but first get over the fear of SARS! Michelle Dave talks about why we need to pay…
1 Jun 2016 49 min

Womandla! - How Much is Enough Money?

It’s all good and well to save for retirement or buy risk policies but if it doesn’t pay the amount that you require to live the life you have been living all along, it's an awful waste of time. Michelle Dave is in studio as always on a money Wednesday…
25 May 2016 49 min

Womandla! - All Things Superwoman

Career planning is important, but when you're a woman the importance of that planning becomes critical with all the moving parts of motherhood thrown in. Phumi chats to an Executive Development Coach about all the when, hows and what to consider when planning a career, along with a family.
18 May 2016 49 min

Womandla! - Adoption, Fostering & Egg Donation

We've just celebrated a day for showing our moms the love and appreciation we have for them. But what about those women who would love to be a mom but can’t? What about the children who wish they had a mom to show love and appreciation for? Phumi speaks to…
11 May 2016 48 min

Womandla! - Dating Coach Anyone?

Where have all the good men gone or has the dating game changed in the new millennium? Dating coach anyone? MatchVIP founder and dating coach, Bonita Grobelaar joins Phumi Mashigo to chat about new age and online dating for the modern woman.
4 May 2016 55 min

Womandla! - Making High Interest Rates Work For You

The hype about interest rate hikes has not escaped any of us but did you know you can make high interest rates work for you? Michelle Dave joins Phumi Mashigo to chat about how and where you can make a buck from the current high interest rates.
26 Apr 2016 57 min

Womandla! - Vernacular Stories of Gender Identity

Caitlyn Jenner has made the word and world of Transgender into a trending topic, but what is the South African reality of Transgender people? Iranti.org founder and Transgender activist, Jabu Pereira, is in studio to chat about vernacular stories of the African transgender community.
20 Apr 2016 52 min

Womandla! - Study Buddy

Schooling and learning is as much about the parent as it is about the child. So how does a parent best support a child’s studies and what extra curricular support is available to you. Study Buddy founder Sudesh Panday and Kumon South Africa spokesperson Rozanne Loney are in studio to…
6 Apr 2016 53 min

Womandla! - We Need to Talk...

"We need to talk" are words that strike fear into almost anybody that hears them. Phumi Mashigo discusses how and why we should have difficult conversations with Roz Solomon who deals with Conversational Intelligence.
30 Mar 2016 53 min

Womandla! - Financing A Business

Financing a business is tough, ask any entrepreneur and when you have put not just your heart and soul but also your life savings into your business you better make sure you protect it as best you can. Michelle Dave talks to Phumi Mashigo about the most important financial risk…
23 Mar 2016 49 min

Womandla! - Businesswoman of the Year Awards

The Businesswomen's Association of South Africa (BWA) is yet again hosting the annual Businesswoman of the Year Awards. Chief Executive Matshepo Msibi and National Chairperson Farza Mall are in studio sounding the call for nominations. Then later, because it's March Phumi Mashigo does a short musical tribute to Mama Africa…
16 Mar 2016 39 min
32 – 52