ESG’s impact on coal - it’s time for stakeholders to talk to each other!
It is amazing that despite so many passionate anti-coal crusaders on social media, it is difficult to get these ‘activists’ to leave the comfort of their echo-chambers to engage with the coal mining industry. Even in a clear area that will require multi-stakeholder participation, like a just transition from fossil fuels to renewables, we prefer to talk about each other rather than with each other!
The upcoming Joburg Indaba on 7 and 8 October will take this topic forward with a keynote address by André de Ruyter. At the recent Coal Day, John Smelt, an ex Rio Tinto executive responsible for Investor Relations, shared some sober views about how ESG investors are causing major mining companies and funders to avoid coal mines and projects.
The upcoming Joburg Indaba on 7 and 8 October will take this topic forward with a keynote address by André de Ruyter. At the recent Coal Day, John Smelt, an ex Rio Tinto executive responsible for Investor Relations, shared some sober views about how ESG investors are causing major mining companies and funders to avoid coal mines and projects.