Meditation 34 - This Is My Beautiful Life

Do you see both sides of the entrepreneurial journey? This is the important question Allon is asking us in this 34th episode of our #52MeditationsForEntrepreneurs podcast series.
23 Aug 2020 English Explicit South Africa Business · Self-Improvement

Other recent episodes

Meditation 52 - I Can Say I Don't Know

Do you subscribe to the whole idea of "fake it until you make it"? Allon weighs in on this approach to life, business and entrepreneurship in this final instalment of our #52MeditationsForEntrepreneurs podcast series.
27 Dec 2020 8 min

Meditation 51 - My Family Is My Emotional Sustenance

"No man is an island" is a truism. No entrepreneur is an island either, and it is vital for us to find the support we need to keep our energy high and our eye on the prize. During the 51st episode of our #52MeditationsForEntrepreneurs podcast series, Allon shares his experiences…
19 Dec 2020 6 min

Meditation 50 - My Ego Is My Enemy

When was the last time you went on an ego trip? We all do this from time to time but Allon helps us understand why it’s so important to avoid these moments as much as possible because our ego's addictive qualities are highly destructive. Listen to the example Allon shares…
12 Dec 2020 9 min

Meditation 49 - I Survive All That Is False

How do we deal with a lying employee, a dishonest client, or a betrayal from a business partner? During this meditation, Allon helps us navigate the thoughts and feelings we might experience as we encounter these moments.
6 Dec 2020 10 min

Meditation 48 - I Accept Rejection

We all hate rejection but are there any benefits to it? Allon says yes, and in this 48th meditation of our #52MeditationsForEntrepreneurs series, he helps us to change our understanding of and reaction to rejection.
29 Nov 2020 4 min