Al Aqsa, 51 years later and inferno rages on
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On 21 August, 1969, an extremist Australian Christian, Dennis Michael Rohan, attempted to set fire to Masjidul Al-Aqsa Mosque – a significant moment in the history of this sacred mosque. The fire destroyed some of Jerusalem's most historic landmarks, including a 1,000-year-old pulpit. It’s believed Dennis Rohan’s actions had the blessing of the Israeli occupation forces. Some 51 years later, the Noble Sanctuary of Al-Aqsa remains under as great a threat as ever.
Welcome to this special programme on Masjdul Al Aqsa, as we remember this event and look at how it relates to the current events at Al Aqsa and Palestine. This week marks the launch of a global campaign initiated by the Mimbar Al Aqsa Forum, which is scheduled to begin on the 21 August.
Our guests this evening:
-Shaykh Ebrahim Gabriels, director of the Al Quds Foundation
-Moulana Yusuf Patel, secretary general of UUCSA
-Dr Anwah Nagia, a member of the Mimbar Al Aqsa Forum
-Ismail Adam Patel, founder of the Friends of Al Aqsa
-Haafith Ebrahim Moosa, from the Palestine Information Network
Welcome to this special programme on Masjdul Al Aqsa, as we remember this event and look at how it relates to the current events at Al Aqsa and Palestine. This week marks the launch of a global campaign initiated by the Mimbar Al Aqsa Forum, which is scheduled to begin on the 21 August.
Our guests this evening:
-Shaykh Ebrahim Gabriels, director of the Al Quds Foundation
-Moulana Yusuf Patel, secretary general of UUCSA
-Dr Anwah Nagia, a member of the Mimbar Al Aqsa Forum
-Ismail Adam Patel, founder of the Friends of Al Aqsa
-Haafith Ebrahim Moosa, from the Palestine Information Network