Law Focus - Tom Moyane Corruption Allegations

The president of the Republic has issued in the Gazzette a notice that constitutes a Commission of Inquiry into the affairs of SARS while SARS commissioner Tom Moyane is undergoing a disciplinary hearing; the two proceedings occur simultaneously which has consequently raised the issues of fairness.
Law Focus this week explores the fairness of the proceedings occurring at the same time as a legal issue and also looks into the corruption conduct. The discussion and analysis consists of Neville Gawula, Attorney at Maluleke Seriti Makume Matlala Inc. Attorneys, and Theo Mapheto (founder of Mapheto Attorneys) who provide an analysis of the decisions made by the commission regarding the fairness issue. To discuss the corruption issues as well, we are speaking to David Lewis Director at Corruption Watch
This edition of Law Focus is brought to by Wits Radio Academy and produced by Ms Bulali Dyakopu. Hosted by Mr Basil Sherinda and technical production provided by Mr Kutlwano “Gwinch” Serame.
22 Aug 2018 English South Africa News

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