Wood, Iron and Steel: The untold stories of 60 Western Cape shipwrecks

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Wood, Iron and Steel is the title of a first-of-its-kind book in South Africa on 60 - known and unknown - shipwrecks that reflect the maritime history of the Western Cape. In this interview with BizNews, authors Bruce Henderson and Kelly Graham of Wreckless Marine, share their three-year-dive to map the seafloor. They describe how using cutting-edge scanning technology enabled them to view wrecks as never before, while on-site dives and extensive research helped them to provide a complete picture of these vessels. Covering the period 1698 to 2009, each entry incorporates technical data, history, the circumstances of loss, and a description of the wreck in its current resting place, accompanied by photographs or paintings, and vivid multibeam sonar images of the wrecks on the seafloor.
10 Dec 2024 7AM English South Africa Investing · Business News

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