Scott Moe looks back at the busy year, with the provincial election as a major highlight. He also looks forward and ensures to build on the promises made in the Throne Speech. 980 CJME's senior reporter Lisa Schick catches up with Moe as he looks back and ahead to the…
Regina Police Chief Farooq Sheikh had never visited the Queen City before starting the position last December. While he's lived and worked throughout the world, from London to Calgary, he's noticed a sense of community spirit in Regina unlike anywhere else. He also notes how convenient it is to get…
The festive season in Victorian-era Saskatchewan may have looked different from the modern-day celebrations. But it was no less magical, marked by a blend of old-world traditions and the pioneering spirit. 650 CKOM's Alex Brown looks back at the days of Christmas past in this feature. may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.