SA’s immense responsibility of stabilizing Southern Africa’s food security

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South Africa’s agriculture and agribusiness sectors have a broader responsibility for food security beyond our borders. The Southern Africa region leans heavily on South Africa for food supplies. This is clear from the observation of South Africa’s agricultural exports. The country exported about US$13,2 billion of agricultural and processed food products in 2023. Nearly 40% of these exports were for the African continent.

Notably, roughly 90 cents in every dollar of South Africa’s agricultural exports to the African continent is from the Southern Africa region. Grains, fruits, vegetables, and selected beverages are typically high on South Africa’s list of agriculture and food exports to the Southern Africa region.

Not all countries rely equally on South Africa’s agriculture and food industry. There are just seven dominant countries, namely, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Eswatini, and Zambia, which accounted for 81% of South Africa’s agricultural exports to the African continent in 2023. In fact, over the past five years, these countries have accounted, on average, for 80% of South Africa’s agricultural exports to the African continent a year.

My writing on agricultural economic matters is available on my blog:

This podcast is produced by Richard Humphries, Sam Mkokeli and Amanda Murimba
27 Oct 2024 English South Africa Investing · Food

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