BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Unshakeable Faith: The Four Things Which Can Never Be Shaken by God’s Promises

In this podcast, Pastor Brian de Villiers explores the unshakeable truths of faith that provide stability in an uncertain world. Drawing from the book of Hebrews, he highlights four key foundations: the eternal throne of God, the unchanging Word of God, the enduring Church, and the security of the believer. With a focus on biblical teachings and spiritual growth, Pastor Brian offers practical insights and encouragement for navigating life's challenges.

Listeners will discover how to strengthen their faith, find hope amidst chaos, and deepen their understanding of God's promises. This podcast is perfect for anyone seeking spiritual guidance, inspiration, and community. Tune in for uplifting messages that remind you of the steadfast nature of God and the importance of building your life on a solid foundation. Join us and experience the transformative power of faith in today’s ever-changing world!
21 Oct 11PM English South Africa Christianity

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