"Who's Out There? A New Testament" - Episode 4: Global Religious Paradigms

Welcome to the second season of “Who’s Out There,” a podcast series about the individualistic quest in spiritual warfare.

Theological paradigms are amongst the most progressive and justifiably volatile sects of progressive growth within our global civilization.

In season 2, aptly named “A New Testament,” I sit down with academics, leaders, influencers, and the new era of religious journalists who share the intrinsic complexities of how they are currently interpreting a shifting spiritual worldview.

I sit down with a theologian in Practical Theology and Historical Mission Studies, Professor Christo Lombaard, as we chat about building religious constructs on what might be interpreted as sometimes, somewhat broken foundations.

In this episode, we close up our sit down with Christo to discuss how current global shifts and religious adaptations create a complex Christian community.

Subscribe to my landing page www.chrisjordanmedia.net and don't forget to listen to the bouquet of other series' in my podcast collection.

#religion #spirituality #theology #studio #religiousstudies #being #christianity
17 Oct English South Africa Society & Culture · Personal Journals

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