I CAN - Discovering the 7 Powers of God's Word

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In this episode of "I Can," host Susan Moss explores "The Seven Powers of God's Word," emphasizing how God's power is revealed through Scripture. She begins by referencing Jeremiah 23:29, illustrating the Word's authority in countering false teachings. Moss outlines seven key powers of God's Word: first, the Power to Reveal, which uncovers truths about creation and humanity that we cannot know otherwise. Second, the Power to Refute serves as a standard for measuring the validity of philosophies and moral ideas. The Power to Believe fosters spiritual growth and transformation in believers, while the Power to Redirect highlights how engaging with Scripture can lead to significant life changes. Additionally, the Power to Revive offers comfort and strength during difficult times, and the Power to Reward reassures that those who seek God through His Word will receive blessings. Lastly, the Power to Deliver encapsulates the core message of the Gospel—salvation through Jesus—underscoring the importance of accessing this divine power. Moss encourages her listeners to actively read, obey, and share God's Word to experience its transformative effects in their lives and invites them to connect with her for further discussion and support.
28 Sep English South Africa Christianity

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