Entrepreneurship and what it means to you | Tokyo Ndlela
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An insightful discussion on ownership, mining, and professional growth.
In this episode of The Crucible podcast, SAIMM YPC Office Bearer, Connie Chijara, hosts Tokyo Ndlela, Managing Partner at Tokyo Ndlela Attorneys Inc., SAIMM YPC Office Bearer, entrepreneur, and lawyer in the mining industry.
Tokyo shares his background, starting in the oil and gas industry before transitioning to mining law, and discusses the benefits of entrepreneurship, such as developing an ownership mindset and the importance of personal growth.
In this episode of The Crucible podcast, SAIMM YPC Office Bearer, Connie Chijara, hosts Tokyo Ndlela, Managing Partner at Tokyo Ndlela Attorneys Inc., SAIMM YPC Office Bearer, entrepreneur, and lawyer in the mining industry.
Tokyo shares his background, starting in the oil and gas industry before transitioning to mining law, and discusses the benefits of entrepreneurship, such as developing an ownership mindset and the importance of personal growth.